Sunday, 11 October 2009

Today is the first day

Hello world,

Today is my first day of blogging. I am feeling quite rustic in my writing ability, but I guess I have to break the ice sometimes and it seems that today is the day.

Today has been my first day in having a go at producing a pecha kucha presentation. It is not as easy as one thinks, when you hear about it's structure. 20 images presented for 20 seconds each, an easy task i thought, but here I am now, getting away from it and started blogging.

Am not sure if this is what am I supposed to be doing, i.e. writing whatever comes to my mind at this point in time, now, without thinking much about its meaning, content or structure.

Talking about structured writing, I have just recently learned a scaffolding technique. Most people probably learn this at their secondary school, but here is I, always running away from having to write, so yesterday was the day when my confidence in writing did get quite a boost and as a consequence I have now started this blog.

My writing, no matter how terrible I think it is, it is no longer to be kept secret or kept away from the public eye, it is now open and out there for everyone to see and comment on, for everyone to judge.

I guess today is that day, when everything becomes public. I will keep on writing, now and forever. It is an art form, an ability that I envy in others. It is something that i totally get fascinated by. It is something that I wanted to do for a very very long time. And here it is.........don't run away please :)....

The decision of just going for it has not been that easy. You always get that feeling at the back of your mind, which says: what will they think of it? would it be terrible, or could it be good enough. Whichever way it is, I decided that it has to improve as I am not happy with it, my writing is not good enough, it has to improve in a major way, structurally, syntactically, phonetically, poetically, etc bare with me as I use ''so'' over and over again, bare with me as I use ''I'', over and over again, bare with me as I repeat myself over and over again ''over and over again'', but be there with me and support me as I evolve in this process of transporting my thoughts from my brain to a written word.

And who knows, perhaps soon enough I may be able to help others in writing.

I must say writing, my writing, never reads as well as it sounds when it is inside my brain, somehow the sense and the deep and thoughtful meaning somehow evaporates through the process of transporting my thoughts into a written word.

I would like to hear from everyone that could give me one single/simple advice on this matter, but do not say carry-on writing, as, as you can see I have already discovered that one. So yes, I will keep on writing and I will keep on repeating myself every time I get a block, every time I can not think of anything to write about, I will repeat myself, as I am doing right now.

So here we go, it was nice to be a part of a group yesterday and to hear that writing is an art form, or a sport, or a scientific undertaking that has to be worked on. It does not just flow, it does not just appear beautifully in front of you, for you to enjoy it. It is a skill that has to be learned, and yes, some people find it easier and the others more difficult, but you will never know until you try and you will never find out where you are at it until you do it. So if you are like me then i would say 'Just do it''.

I guess it is the same sort of thing as running the marathon. I did not think I could do it, but i did it. With every extra step I took my confidence grew. But then I overdid it and killed my knees so my confidence shrank right back.

So before I go today, my very first day, I have to leave myself an anchor, and to remind myself and everyone that this blog is supposed to be about Generative Computing in Urbanism and Architecture and not about my ability to write...bare with me as I get into it...until later ....

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