Thursday, 26 November 2009

aligning structures and energy minimisation

Humans. A very interesting breed. Led by the sense of insecurity, or is it insecurity, is it perhaps economy. Minimising the energy required to get from point A to point B. Why is it that some people will have great difficulties to achieve anything at the place they were born, and yet be extremely successful and lead at another place. Can this occurrence be seen as an analogy from the biological world, or perhaps chemical world. Or is it as initially stated a work of energy minimisation, a path of least resistance.
Based on the life's experience thus far, I have no doubt that what is at work, at every level, is the mechanism for energy minimization, energy economy. I have shifted my thoughts from calling it insecurity, as have done until now, to calling it energy economy, or energy minimisation.

Nation Building. This has happened as energy minimisation process to help the powerful protect their wealth. This geneses has become the guiding process and system that has helped other standard/normal people.
When being objective, everyone interests are taken into account. When you strip ut the nations, religions, etc... to people, then everyone would be welcome or is welcome.
The genesis of the formation of the American constitution determined the path of the history of its people.
What can we understand and or predict from countries constitutions? what can we find out if we only read the beginings of various countries constitution.

Luftrat kombetare, pasioni kombetar. A lot larger. Creation of the nationhood unified larger parts and many more people.

Nation Idea, created new turbulences, new wars along the nations lines.

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