The value of the historical monuments and buildings it is related to the ability of linking several demographics into a time and place and space. The major value of the historical place is the ability to talk about it, to discuss its past present and future important aspect.
Tourism, story telling. People want to hear stories, people want to tell sotries, people want to be a part of the story, they want to be a par of the hisstory.
Mirror neurons make it possible for us to imagine, to experince the story, the movies, the documentary, to go through what others have gone through, without having to physically be there.
Story telling. How do we make stories, how do we produce stories. We innovate, we do something that others have not done. It does not matter how small or large it is, if it has an innvative aspect and it is fun, then it becomes interesting and publishable.
From a cell into a life4m, is a great play on words, it is something that can grasp someone's imagination. The cells that are being developed at the studio have the potential of becoming life4m's.
A sculptor's cell and a green house cell + a yoga cell + a business cell, a cinema cell and a an office cell. how many of these can we squeeze into one of these cells? Do we want to get the roskoph involved? or do we want to push the wood idea.
Does everything happen in the middle and than we add things to the one side or the other side. How do the ends work? what is the detail? what are the materials? how do we make it waterproof? do we just add rubber? make it green?
Can we find out what exactly we can do with the gardens? in terms of party wall aspect, in terms of the liveable cell aspect, in terms of making sure that there is no problem with anything, including the Lawyer's side.
What do we sell? and how do we sell it? what do we design and how do we design it?
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